28 December, 2012

15 July, 2012

UMK Jeli, here i come

Salam. Saat aku menulis entry ni aku still termangu – mangu. Sebab semalam(13/7) result UPU baru release out. Yes aku tak mengharap dapat mana – mana pun, asalkan dapat. Almost a year aku jadi mysterius graper so aku sebolehnya nak sambung degree. Rasa tergantung tak bertali je kalau belajar setakat diploma. Mana – manapun tak kisah asalkan UPM, asalnya UPM jelah yang aku nak. Sebab dah rasa sayang pada UPM (padahal time konvo kene marah dengan pakcik pentadbiran terus berazam taknak jejak kaki ke UPM Serdang dah.) but I still can’t forget all about UPM, tou its forgotten all about me. By the way, no reason they must remember me. I’m not even MTM.

Settle permohonan sudah, berdoa sudah pasti, solat hajat adalah jugak buat sekali sekala. Akhirnya semalam persoalan dimanakah aku akan berada akhirnya terjawab jugak. Dengan rasa debar algebra, aku taip UPU RESULT 90*********0 dan terus di sent ke 15888. Tepat jam 12tengahari. Duaploh menit kendian, baru berjawab. Fon aku ni stail kalo incoming msj memang ada notification kt atas bar (zaman smartfon kan? Dimana manusia semakin bodoh dan teknologi semakin bijak). Ternampak KOD LG32. So aku rasa lega yang teramat sebab dapat sambung degree. Well, wait. Rasanya kod sebegitu macam kat UMK? So aku berlari – lari pulak macam kehilangan anak. Cari copy of my permohonan. Perghhhh! Aku dapat course IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA SAINS GUNAAN(SAINS PETERNAKAN) DENGAN KEPUJIAN SIAP HEHE.

Aku sedikit kecewa sebab of kos aku nak course Sains ternak kat UPM sebab kawan – kawan aku berlambak kat sana. Dan aku sedih bila mak cakap nak buat kenduri doa selamat kalau aku dapat UPM. UPM ok. Sebab UPM paling dekat dengan rumah selain UIAM and.. and UITM Jengka -.-“ . so kalau aku dapat UMK ni, maknanya takdelah dia nak buat kenduri. Satu pelemah semangat pada asalnya. Tapi tiba – tiba Allah bagi ketenangan. Mesti ada hikmah aku kena campak jauh sampai Kelantan ni. So aku rasa hepi semula kikiki…

Then bila parents tau aku akan ke UMK, mula – mula mak senyap je, macam takde perasaan but abah aku macam biasalah. Sporting as ever and siap cakap nak shopping lagi kat sana. Mak pun ok je actually. And semua family member pun ok je. Tak kisahlah. But if aku dapat panggilan SPA utk Vet assistant memang aku akan pergi. InsyaAllah.

So far, maybe aku akan ditempatkan kat UMK kampus Jeli (kot la. Tak sure lagi.) so dah check map GPS bagai how to reach Jeli. Quite tiring journey but I can work on it. Pegi JB dari Raub  287km pun selamba je balik hari. Kihkih..

Tak dinafikan, dah tentu – tentu Kampus Jeli ni ada kekurangan lagi sebab masih baru kan. So aku try searched for my senior punya blog pulak. Ada yang komplen macam – macam yang tak elok pasal Jeli ni but tak kurang yang memuji. But according to my dad, dia cakap Jeli ni dah banyak pembaharuan dah. So tak payah risau. For my own opinion, asalkan ada makan, minum, air nak mandi, tempat exercise, library and bilik hostel, dah memadai pun. Bonus pulak kalau ada Mall. But rasanya takde kot? Mart maybe ada.  Its ok. I don’t mind. At all. Yang penting aku boleh study dengan bahagia. Maklumlah, panorama hijau.

Masa aku kat UPM kampus Bintulu dulu macam tu jugak. Takdelah macam Kuching or Miri but still boleh hidup 3tahun kat sana. Sayang pulak nak tinggalkan bumi kenyalang. Tapi dah kontrak (cewah) macam tu nak buat macamana Kankan? J

Belum sampai sana lagi, so aku tak tahu nak describe lebih – lebih. Lets see. Eh eh.. sesapa terjumpa blog aku ni yang turut mencari pasal UMK Jeli, tegur – tegur lah aku kat sana nanti. Haha! Semangat.

Well, selamat tinggal UPM, and UMK… here I come!!

01 July, 2012


When I was in primary school, I’ve seen these people. Entering secondary phase in my life, still I can see these bugs. Upper secondary, there’s more. Bullied is everywhere.  Alhamdullilah, it just stopped right after I stepped out from the school building. What a relief!
                Ok sebenarnya bukan aku yang kena buli. Tapi aku dah lama observed perangai si kaki buli ni. Well, I don’t want to get involve with them. Setakat gangguan seksual yang tak seberapa tu, aku wat dono jelah. Alah, ngintai budak perempuan naik-turun tangga, hebat sangat ke? Lepastu, sorang-sorang kena jumpa cikgu disiplin. Haha.
                What I want to tell you guys, bukan apa yang diorang dah buat. Tapi perasan tak perangai sorang-sorang, budget kuat je. Padahal lembik. Setakat mulut je jahat baik tak payah.  Ni list of observations yang aku dah buat sepanjang experiment aku ni:
  •      Selalu perasan hot/kool, padahal tengok nama dah tak kool.. Blahlah!
  •     Nak awek cantik, bijak pandai, body superb, kaya and sexy. Padahal diri sendiri macam batang buruk.
  •      Suka kutuk-kutuk cikgu, pengetua – samakan diorang macam binatang/setan. Depan-depan kalau kena denda muka macam tungau je.
  •      Suka buli junior- mintak duit, makanan, suruh buat itu ini. Apa ingat diorang semua ni adik kau ke? Kau bayar gaji?
  •      Suka cari pasal- gaduh sana sini macam orang takde pedoman. Penampar sekor-sekor kang baru tau.

bila dah tua baru menyesal. tu pun kalau sempat mintak maaf kat semua yang ko pernah buli.

26 June, 2012

time to move your ass out

Pheww.. it’s so complicated getting my ass on this situation again. I once made promised to myself, never to bring my life back to student life anymore. And now I was thinking to slap my own face for saying that. I need more. The truth about my stupidity.
I hate exam, test, presentation, mini-project and all of the student age stuffs. You guys can call me genius, after all I’d missed my intelligent and I’d drowned here. Rotting inside w/o doing anything.
No such thing called GENIUS. Even Albert Einstein failed so many times in what his doing. The only key to success is effort. w/o hardwork, you will never understand ur life. Takkan nak makan suap je? Gile la camtu.

I’m now a 22 years old woman, my maturity get even well now. I can think the pros and cons of doing something related to my future. And my past always stomp me right on my face. How stupid I am back then. But now, regret fills my empty heart. My empty hearts once full of dunks, dark, dust, and whatever you call it.

It is because of love I waste my lifetime for something useless? It might be yes, or no. or it is because of friends? 70% yes. But the 100% sure is all from me. I’m the one who ruins my beautiful life. We have born as babies, growing up beautifully pampered with loving parents. But when the time comes, we destroy our lives.

From now on, I will never turn back. I will work harder to be the best. I want people to be happy by my side. I will make them happy. My life now is just for my parents. and for those who really need me.

20 June, 2012

The New Me

Assalam. for those who had read my blog before. sorry for deleting it without giving any hint. i think its fine by you. since haven't update almost a year, i lose all the passion for blogging. i like to write, and what important is, i like to share something new for you guys. but between the very informative entries about animals and current issues, there's a moment i had with my friends. some still keep in touch with me until now, but others just gone like wind.

i'm the one who'd fall in love with something in just a blink. a 3-years-being-friends should do much rather than the feeling. fall in love is one thing, can never forget is another thing. pheww -.-' . so, i don't want to see any of this blog showing my memory with friends. it didn't help much by reading back those posts, just make my heart warmer.

so now, this is my new life.